I’m New
Below are some common questions we are asked about New Hope, along with the answers. If you have a question which is not addressed here, please do not hesitate to call 620-245-0303.
Q. Is New Hope Evangelical Church part of any denomination or organization?
A. No. New Hope is independent and as such has both freedom as well as the responsibility that comes with that freedom. New Hope is responsible to remain a biblically-based evangelical church. New Hope has the freedom to govern itself and to use its resources as it sees fit. To that end, 10% of every dollar given in the offering goes directly to missions-local, national and international.
Q. What does New Hope Evangelical Church believe?
A. Please review our Church Constitution for more information on our statement of beliefs. You may also pick up a copy of the Church Constitution and By-Laws at the Welcome Center.
In the essential beliefs of the Christian faith, we have unity. (Eph. 4:4-6). In the non-essential beliefs of the Christian faith, we have liberty, (Rom. 14:1, 4, 12, 22) and in everything we strive to show love, (I Cor. 13:2).
Q. How is New Hope Evangelical Church governed?
A. New Hope is governed by a Board of Elders who are chosen from among the congregation to serve three-year terms. The pastor and the associate pastor each serve as Elders. The Constitution allows the number of Elders to change based upon need. Each Elder oversees a particular area of ministry, and one or more Deacons, who serve as the heads of various committees.
Q. How can I get involved in an area of ministry?
A. There are several ways to get involved. You may click on the “Contact” tab at the top of the screen and fill out your information to have us contact you. Second, call the office, (620.245.0303) and leave your name and number so someone can return your call about your area of interest. Third, pick up a Volunteer brochure at the Welcome Center, or from the Church office during regular business hours. Fourth, find a pastor or staff member and they will get you the information you are looking for.
Q. How can I find out what spiritual gifts I have?
A. We use a survey designed to help you discover your gifts. Call the office or see one of the staff for a free packet of information.
Q. How can I become a Christian?
A. Please click here if you have questions about the Christian faith.
Q. Does New Hope Evangelical Church offer ministry to singles?
A. Yes! Singles, 25 and over, are encouraged to take part in the community wide ministry to singles, called – F.O.C.A.S. (Fellowship of Christian Adult Singles). FOCAS is a growing, dynamic gathering of single adults from around the community. Activities are taking place all the time. Call the church office for contact information and upcoming events, (620.245.0303)
Q. When are baptisms held and how do I go about requesting to be baptized?
A. Baptisms are held on a regular basis–usually three to four times a year, and typically on a Sunday evening. Call the church office, (620.245.0303) to find out when the next service is being offered and to sign up. Believers are asked to come to a Baptismal Information meeting which is usually held the week prior to the service. Baptisms normally take place at the church in the sanctuary. We have a baptismal located in the sanctuary under the big wooden cross at the front in the floor of the platform.
Q. How do I go about having my child dedicated?
A. Dedicating a child to the Lord is an important step in spiritually leading your family. We have put together an information sheet that contains answers to most questions people have about it. Please call the office, (620.245.0303) to request a copy of this information.
Q. How do I become a member of New Hope Evangelical Church?
A. People interested in becoming a member at New Hope should sign up to take part in a membership class. Upon completion of the class, believers who feel so led, are invited to join the church. Membership classes are held 2-3 times per year, with participants who choose to be received as members doing so within a couple weeks after completion.
Q. Does New Hope Evangelical Church have small groups?
A. Yes! This is one of the primary means that a person can grow as a disciple! Our small groups are called, “New Life Groups” and they are the back-bone of ministry at New Hope. They are the primary means by which a person can grow as a disciple. New groups are forming all the time at various times and locations. For more information, click on the link to register or stop by the Welcome Center.
Q. What is the vision of New Hope Evangelical Church?
A. The Vision of New Hope is simple: “Come,” “Grow,” “Serve,” and “Bring.” The reason we exist is to evangelize the lost and to make disciples. This four-part vision provides the direction to accomplish just that. We ask that everyone:
“Come”—Worship regularly on Sunday morning as we gather and learn to fulfill the first and greatest commandment–to “Love the Lord” with all of our “heart, soul, mind and strength”. (Mark 12:30)
“Grow”—Get involved in a small-group and grow in your faith! It is through these small gatherings of Christians that we learn to fulfill the second greatest commandment–to “Love our neighbor as ourselves”. (Mark 12:31)
“Serve”—Get involved in serving others and follow the Lord’s model of serving. Service is fundamental to the Christian faith. Healthy disciples serve. (Matt. 20:26)
“Bring”—Bring someone else along with you in the faith. This is perhaps the most neglected of all the areas of a growing believer’s life. Fulfilling the Great Commission is not optional for the growing believer! You are encouraged to “bring” others to the Lord either one-on-one or by bringing them to church so they can hear the gospel proclaimed.
The four parts of our vision comprise four key elements of a growing disciple’s life.
Q. How can I get a copy of a message I heard on Sunday morning?
A. You may click on “Sermons” on the menu above, find the sermon you are looking for, and click to listen. You may also order a copy of any of the sermons by signing up at the Welcome Center. The CD’s are $1 and usually available for pickup the following week.